Sepultura - Beneath The Remains

Sepultura - Beneath The Remains

Sepultura - Beneath The Remains

5.999 kr 5.099 kr
Eintök til á lager: 1

Útgáfuár: 1989
Endurútgáfa: 2020


  1. Beneath The Remains
  2. Inner Self
  3. Stronger Than Hate
  4. Mass Hypnosis
  5. Sarcastic Existence
  6. Slaves Of Pain
  7. Lobotomy
  8. Hungry
  9. Primitive Future

The Rio/Nas Nuvens Recordings, Before The Florida Sessions/Mixdown

  1. Beneath The Remains
  2. Inner Self (Instrumental)
  3. Stronger Than Hate (Instrumental)
  4. Mass Hypnosis
  5. Troops Of Doom (Live 9/22/1989)
  6. Sarcastic Existence
  7. Slaves Of Pain (Instrumental)
  8. Lobotomy
  9. Hungry (Instrumental)
  10. Primitive Future