John Legend - Legend

John Legend - Legend

John Legend - Legend

7.999 kr
Eintök til á lager: 1

Útgáfuár: 2022


  1. Rounds
  2. Waterslide
  3. Dope
  4. Strawberry Blush
  5. Guy Like Me
  6. All She Wanna Do
  7. Splash
  8. You
  9. Fate
  10. Love
  11. One Last Dance
  12. All She Wanna Do
  13. Memories
  14. Nervous
  15. Wonder Woman
  16. Honey
  17. I Want You To Know
  18. Speak In Tongues
  19. The Other Ones
  20. Stardust
  21. Pieces
  22. Good
  23. I Don't Love You Like I Used To
  24. Home