Johnny Hawkins & His Orchestra - The Tender Touch (Notuð plata VG+)

Johnny Hawkins & His Orchestra - The Tender Touch (Notuð plata VG+)

Johnny Hawkins & His Orchestra - The Tender Touch (Notuð plata VG+)

1.000 kr 500 kr
Eintök til á lager: 1

Ástand vínyls: Very Good Plus (VG+)
Ástand umslags: Very Good (VG)
Útgáfuland: UK  
Útgefandi: Polydor
Tónlistartegund: Pop



Upplýsingar um útgáfuna af Discogs:


Artist name credited on label & back sleeve as 'The John Hawkins Orchestra'. Front sleeve & spine are credited as 'John Hawkins Orchestra'


A1. Laura
A2. The Girl From Ipanema
A3. Tracy
A4. Diane
A5. Maria from "West Side Story"
A6. Southern Belle
B1. Vicky's Theme
B2. Ruby from the film "Ruby Gentry"
B3. Georgina
B4. Wendy
B5. Yasmin
B6. Michelle


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