Weather Report - Mr. Gone (Notuð plata VG)

Weather Report - Mr. Gone (Notuð plata VG)

Weather Report - Mr. Gone (Notuð plata VG)

1.900 kr
Eintök til á lager: 1

Þú getur valið að sækja hjá Plötubúðin eða að fá sent.

Vanalega tilbúið innan klukkutíma

Ástand vínyls: Very Good (VG)
Ástand umslags: Very Good (VG)
Útgáfuland: US  
Útgefandi: ARC (3),Columbia
Tónlistartegund: Jazz

Original Printed Inner Sleeve

Upplýsingar um útgáfuna af Discogs:


Exclusive representation: Cavallo-Ruffalo Management, Beverly Hills, California.

Recorded at Devonshire Sound, North Hollywood, California.

Rhodes 88 (modified by Alan Howarth)
Two ARP 2600
Oberheim Polyphonic Synthesizer
Prophet 5 (programmed by Alan Howarth and Josef Zawinul)
Mu-Tron Bi-Phase
Mu-Trun Volume Wah

Special thanks to: Harvey Schaps, Michael Knuckles, Paul Bruno, Laurel Rudd and Melody.


A1. The Pursuit Of The Woman With The Feathered Hat 5:01
A2. River People 4:47
A3. Young And Fine 6:50
A4. The Elders 4:18
B1. Mr. Gone 5:19
B2. Punk Jazz 5:06
B3. Pinocchio 2:25
B4. And Then 3:19


Strikanúmer og önnur auðkenni:

Matrix / Runout T 1 PAL-35358-1E AZ
Matrix / Runout T 1 PAL-35358-1H A8
Matrix / Runout T 1 PBL-35358-1E AZ
Matrix / Runout ∘
Matrix / Runout AL 35358
Matrix / Runout BL 35358
Matrix / Runout PAL-35358-1D AZ
Matrix / Runout PBL-35358-1C AZ
Matrix / Runout PAL-35358-1G
Matrix / Runout PBL-35358-1G


Phonographic Copyright (p) CBS Inc.
Copyright (c) CBS Inc.
Manufactured By Columbia Records
Mastered At Customatrix
Pressed By Columbia Records Pressing Plant, Terre Haute
Recorded At Devonshire Studios

Data provided by Discogs