Paul McCartney & Wings - Venus And Mars (50th Anniversary)

Paul McCartney & Wings - Venus And Mars (50th Anniversary)

Paul McCartney & Wings - Venus And Mars (50th Anniversary)

6.799 kr
Eintök til á lager: 1

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Vanalega tilbúið innan klukkutíma

Útgáfuár: 2025


  1. Venus And Mars
  2. Rock Show
  3. Love In Song
  4. You Gave Me The Answer
  5. Magneto And Titanium Man
  6. Letting Go
  7. Venus And Mars – Reprise
  8. Spirits Of Ancient Egypt
  9. Medicine Jar
  10. Call Me Back Again
  11. Listen To What The Man Said
  12. Treat Her Gently – Lonely Old People
  13. Crossroads