The Doors - Absolutely Live (Notuð plata VG+)

The Doors - Absolutely Live (Notuð plata VG+)

The Doors - Absolutely Live (Notuð plata VG+)

3.500 kr
Eintök til á lager: 1

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Vanalega tilbúið innan klukkutíma

Ástand vínyls: Very Good Plus (VG+)
Ástand umslags: Very Good (VG)
Útgáfuland: Italy  
Útgefandi: Elektra
Tónlistartegund: Rock



Upplýsingar um útgáfuna af Discogs:


Cat# W 62005 on front and back cover, spine and labels.

[Inside cover:
"This album was compiled from live performances recorded in cities throughout the United States between August 1969 and June 1970. Aside from the editing necessary to assemble the music into album form, the recording is an organic documentary and absolutely live!"

[Back cover:
Made And Distributed In Italy by WEA ITALIANA S.P.A. Milano

Butterfly Elektra label with rim legal text in Italian.
Made In Italy By Wea Italiana SPA Ⓦ A Warner Communications Company.

Runout details: everything is stamped except a series of symbols on variant 1 (side 1 and 4) and variant 2 (side 4), which are hand etched.
The [cgd logo is stamped on each side.


A1. Who Do You Love
A2. Medley: Alabama Song/Backdoor Man/Love Hides/Five To One
B1. Build Me A Woman
B2. When The Music's Over
C1. Close To You
C2. Universal Mind
C3. Break On Thru #2
D1. The Celebration Of The Lizard
D2. Soul Kitchen


Strikanúmer og önnur auðkenni:

Matrix / Runout 9002-1
Matrix / Runout 9002-2
Matrix / Runout 9002-3
Matrix / Runout 9002-4
Matrix / Runout 59 W 9002 o 1L Θ 23 02 77 P.V.
Matrix / Runout 59 W 9002 o 2L Θ 23 02 77 P.V.
Matrix / Runout 59 W 9002 o 3L 23 02 77 P.V.
Matrix / Runout 59 W 9002 o 4L Θ 23 02 77 P.V.
Matrix / Runout 59 W 9002 o 1L [cgd logo] Θ 23 2 77 P.V.
Matrix / Runout 59 W 9002 o 2L Θ [cgd logo] 23 2 77 P.V.
Matrix / Runout 59 W 9002 o 3L [cgd logo] 23 2 77 P.V.
Matrix / Runout 59 W 9002 o 4L [cgd logo] Θ 23 2 77 △△△✲✲✲⍁△△△✲✲✲ P.V.
Pressing Plant ID [cgd logo]


Record Company Warner Communications
Recorded By Fedco Audio Labs
Recorded By Wally Heider Recording
Made By WEA Italiana S.p.A.
Distributed By WEA Italiana S.p.A.
Pressed By CGD Pressing Plant

Data provided by Discogs