Alan Parsons Project - Tales Of Mystery And Imagination (Notuð plata VG+)

Alan Parsons Project - Tales Of Mystery And Imagination (Notuð plata VG+)

Alan Parsons Project - Tales Of Mystery And Imagination (Notuð plata VG+)

2.500 kr
Eintök til á lager: 1

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Vanalega tilbúið innan klukkutíma

Ástand vínyls: Very Good Plus (VG+)
Ástand umslags: Very Good Plus (VG+)
Útgáfuland: Greece  
Útgefandi: Casablanca
Tónlistartegund: Rock



Upplýsingar um útgáfuna af Discogs:


The songs are based on stories written by Edgar Allan Poe.

The album was recorded and mixed at Abbey Road Studios, London, between July 1975 and January 1976
Mastered at the Mastering Lab, Hollywood, California
The Harmony Vocoder on "The Raven" was invented and built by EMI Central Research Laboratories, and is exclusively available at Abbey Road Studios


A1. A Dream Within A Dream 3:40
A2. The Raven 4:00
A3. The Tell-Tale Heart 4:37
A4. The Cask Of Amontillado 4:27
A5. (The System Of) Doctor Tarr And Professor Fether 4:14
. The Fall Of The House Of Usher 15:02
B2. To One In Paradise 4:29


Strikanúmer og önnur auðkenni:

Rights Society BIEM
Matrix / Runout CAS 6337266A MT410 1621
Matrix / Runout CAS 6337266B MT410 1621


Recorded At Abbey Road Studios
Mixed At Abbey Road Studios
Mastered At The Mastering Lab
Manufactured By G.P.I. S.A.
Lacquer Cut At G.P.I. S.A.

Data provided by Discogs